Before we find out what CMYK and RGB are, let’s make sure that we are all on the same page with the color systems used for printing! One of the most common problems when order a print with a printing house, whether in the central region, southern part, or with Lucknganpim Co., Ltd. in Phuket, is that colors on the printouts are different from colors onscreen. This causes from the misconfiguration of an Offset or a Digital Offset printer that not suit with the color modes, CMYK & RGB. So… What is the difference between these 2 color modes? How they work on each type of the printing? This article will get you covered!
Aside from the right color setting, applying a suitable graphic design program, like Illustrator, can also fix this problem. Whether business cards, posters, cards, stickers, coasters, or logos, creating an Artwork with this program will make the text and picture sharp and bright with accurate colors. To do this, just open the program and select New Document, then choose CMYK or RGB in the Color Mode section (as shown in a red square in the picture above).
Color System of RGB (RED,GREEN,BLUE)
RGB is a mixture of Red, Green, and Blue that varies the intensity of colors up to 2-16 million shades! It is a basic color mode in a camera or a mobile phone, so that it is great for onscreen pictures, like website, online media, etc. The color codes can be set from 0-255 or specified with a code, like #5D8D73 (green). RGB values set to 100% will result in white color which is known as Positive Color.
RGB is suitable for displaying pictures on a mobile screen, website and computer.
Color System of CMYK (Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Key)
CMYK is an important color mode for jobs printing that consists of 4 mixed colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key. Since the computer screen works with RGB system, you can see that CMYK has light and not brighter colors than the RGB. Conversely, CMYK used in the printer or color printings, with a preferred ratio, can create up to 4 numerous billion colors! CMYK values set to 100% will result in black color. This color values are called “Negative Color” which are great for printing flyers, leaflets, product labels, and much more types of printings!
CMYK is great for the printings, such as name cards, posters, stickers, logos, etc.
Tips from Lucknganpim
For your high-quality and high-resolution printings, don’t forget to check if the file already has an Ai format with CMYK Mode before sending file(s) to print. Looking for affordable printing services in Phuket? Contact us @lucknganpim. We are happy to assist all your needs!
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Writer by : W.Tanarat